Carlisle County Schools
Learners Today, Leaders Tomorrow
Carlisle County Schools serves students from pre-k to 12. Preschool and Headstart jointly serve 3 and 4 year old students. Carlisle County Elementary School serves students through the fifth grade. Carlisle County Middle School serves grades 6-8 and Carlisle County High School serves grades 9-12. Carlisle County High School was consolidated in 1957 from Arlington, Bardwell, Cunningham, and Milburn High schools. The first Carlisle Comet basketball season was 1957-58, the first graduating class in the spring of 1958.
Since 1921, nearly 70 Carlisle County residents have served as members of the board of education. Many of those serving more than one term. During that time period the district has had 13 superintendents.
In 2008, the Carlisle County Board of Education was awarded the PEAK, Public Education Achieves in Kentucky, award from the Kentucky School Boards Association. This was in recognition of the PALs program. PALs are high school students serving as mentors to pre-school students. In March, 2011 the American School Boards Journal awarded Carlisle County a MAGNA award for districts under 5000 enrollment.
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Our Mission
Our mission is to enable all students to reach their potential as learners, now and for a lifetime.
The Carlisle County Board of Education Operating Principles
*Sustaining the focus on what is best for all students;
*Leading through clear objectives, expectations, and policies;
*Delegating authority and responsibility for action that supports our agreed mission;
*Celebrating improvement and excellence;
*Making decisions based on facts, competent advice and shared values;
*Being truthful and honest;
*Working as a team;
*Valuing differing perspectives;
*Doing our homework;
*Respecting one another, disagreeing agreeably;
*Promoting no personal or hidden agenda;
*Supporting the Board’s decision; and
*Respectfully reminding one another of these commitments.
The Carlisle County Board of Education Expectations
*All students will be treated fairly.
*All students will be taught through individualized methods.
*All resources will be used to benefit children.
*All students will be at grade level in reading and math by the end of 3rd grade.
*All students will be valued and cared for.
*All students will learn what good citizenship requires.
*All students will be provided with facilities, opportunities, instructors, and experiences sufficient to provide a good foundation educationally, socially, mentally, and physically.
*All of our students will graduate.
Our Schools
Bardwell, KY 42023